Moving Tips

Discover essential tips for a stress-free move with your little ones in our guide “Moving with Kids: Tips for a Stress-Free Experience”. Learn how to communicate effectively with your children about the move, involve them in the packing process, and keep their routines consistent for comfort. Get creative with activities to keep them engaged on moving day and ensure their safety. Finally, explore strategies for helping them adjust to the new home and neighborhood. This guide offers practical, family-friendly advice to make your move smoother and more enjoyable for everyone. Dive in for invaluable insights and make your family’s transition a happy adventure!

Preparation and Involvement

Moving can be a significant change for children, and how it’s handled can impact their adjustment. This section delves into effective communication strategies and ways to actively involve children in the moving process.

Talking to Your Kids About the Move

Effective Communication Strategies:

  • Early Communication: Start discussions about the move early. This gives children time to process the information and express their feelings.
  • Be Open and Honest: Use age-appropriate language to explain the reasons for the move. Honesty helps children trust and understand the process.
  • Addressing Concerns: Actively listen to their worries and fears. Validate their feelings and reassure them that it’s normal to feel this way.

Facts and Tips

Children’s emotional response to moving can vary widely based on their age and temperament. It’s important to tailor your approach accordingly.

Use Stories and Books. There are children’s books about moving that can help explain the process in a relatable way.

Family Meeting. Hold a family meeting to discuss the move, allowing each child to express their thoughts and feelings.

Involving Kids in the Moving Process

Ideas for Involvement:

  • Decision Making: Involve them in small decisions, such as the color scheme of their new room or the layout of their play area.
  • Packing Their Belongings: Encourage children to pack their own belongings. This can give them a sense of control and responsibility.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Packing Party: Turn packing into a fun activity. Have a ‘packing party’ with music and snacks.
  • Personalization: Let them decorate or label their own boxes. This can make unpacking more exciting for them.
  • Rewards System: Implement a rewards system for each step they complete, like packing their toys or helping clean their room.

By effectively communicating with your children and involving them in the moving process, you can transform the experience into a positive and inclusive family journey. This not only eases the transition for the children but also fosters a sense of unity and cooperation within the family.

Organizing and Packing

Incorporating children into the packing process not only helps with the workload but also makes it a more enjoyable experience for them. This section covers creative ways to organize packing with kids and how to make it a fun, engaging activity.

Creating a Packing Plan with Kids

Organizing Tips:

  • Color-Coding System: Assign a color to each child and use colored stickers or markers to label their boxes. This makes identifying their belongings in the new home easier and more fun.
  • Fun Labels: Encourage children to create their own labels for boxes. They can draw or write what’s inside, making unpacking like a treasure hunt.
  • Room-by-Room Approach: Break down the packing process room by room, allowing children to focus on one area at a time.


  • Educational Opportunity: Use packing as a chance to teach organizational skills. For example, categorizing items or following a checklist.
  • Visual Progress: Create a visual progress chart showing tasks completed. This can be motivating and give a sense of accomplishment.
  • Pack Personal Items Last: Encourage children to pack their most used items last, so they have their favorite things available until moving day.

Making Packing a Game

Game Ideas:

  • Timing Challenges: Set a timer and challenge kids to pack as much as they can in a set time. Reward them for meeting or exceeding the goal.
  • Scavenger Hunt for Packing: Create a scavenger hunt list of items they need to find and pack. This adds an element of adventure to the task.
  • Packing Olympics: Create different packing-related challenges or competitions, such as ‘fastest box packer’ or ‘best box labeler’.


  • Rewards and Incentives: Offer small rewards for completing packing games or challenges. This could be a treat, a small toy, or a fun activity.
  • Creative Storytelling: Turn packing into a storytelling experience. For instance, packing stuffed animals could be preparing them for a ‘trip to a new jungle’.
  • Children are more engaged in tasks when they are presented as play. Making packing fun can significantly reduce their stress and reluctance.

By turning packing into an interactive and enjoyable process, you not only keep your children engaged but also foster a positive attitude towards the move. These strategies help reduce stress and make packing an activity the whole family can participate in and enjoy.

Maintaining Routines and Comfort

In the midst of the chaos that often accompanies moving, maintaining a semblance of normalcy through routines and comfort can be crucial, especially for children. This section emphasizes the importance of routines and the role of comfort items during the transition.

Keeping Up with Routines

Maintaining regular routines is essential during a move. Routines provide a sense of stability and security, particularly for children. Despite the disruption caused by packing and organizing, strive to keep mealtimes, bedtimes, and other daily rituals as consistent as possible.

Importance of Routines:

  • Reduced Stress: Familiar routines can significantly lower stress levels in children during times of change.
  • Sense of Control: Routines offer a sense of control in the otherwise unpredictable environment of moving.

Tips for Maintaining Routines:

  • Plan Ahead: Anticipate the busy moving schedule and plan meals and bedtimes accordingly.
  • Flexibility is Key: While maintaining routines, be flexible. It’s okay if things aren’t perfect – the goal is to provide a comforting framework for your children.

Comfort Items and Transition

The role of comfort items like favorite toys, blankets, or even a particular book cannot be overstated during a move. These items provide a tangible sense of security and familiarity for children.

Significance of Comfort Items:

  • Emotional Stability: Comfort items can help children feel more secure and grounded during the upheaval of a move.
  • Easier Transition: Having these items readily available can make the transition to a new environment smoother.

Strategies for Using Comfort Items:

  • Pack a Special Bag: Have your children pack a bag with their most cherished items that stays with them throughout the move.
  • Prioritize Their Space: In the new home, prioritize setting up the children’s rooms first. This creates a familiar and comfortable space for them right away.

Psychological studies have shown that comfort objects can significantly reduce anxiety in children in new or unfamiliar situations.

By focusing on maintaining routines and ensuring comfort items are available, parents can greatly ease the emotional and psychological impact of moving on their children. This approach not only helps children cope with the change but also contributes to a more positive overall moving experience for the entire family.

On the Moving Day

The day of the move is often the most hectic and can be particularly challenging for families with children. Keeping kids occupied and ensuring their safety are key priorities. This section covers activities to keep children engaged and tips for maintaining their safety during the move.

Activities for the Moving Day

Keeping children occupied on moving day helps the day go smoother for everyone. Engaging activities can distract them from the chaos and make them feel involved.

Ideas to Keep Children Occupied:

  • Moving Day Kit: Prepare a kit with activities like coloring books, puzzles, or small toys to keep them entertained.
  • Special Tasks: Assign age-appropriate tasks such as being in charge of a pet or carrying light items. This gives them a sense of responsibility and involvement.
  • Digital Entertainment: As a last resort, a tablet with games or movies can be a useful way to keep kids occupied, especially for longer waiting periods.

Safety and Supervision

Safety is paramount during the bustle of moving day. With movers and possibly unfamiliar surroundings, it’s important to ensure children are safe and supervised.

Tips for Ensuring Safety:

  • Designate a Safe Area: Set up a specific room or area where children can stay that is away from heavy lifting and moving pathways.
  • Familiar Caregiver: If possible, have a familiar caregiver or family member dedicated to watching the children.
  • Emergency Contact Information: Make sure children have emergency contact information on them, especially if moving to a new neighborhood.

Interesting Fact: A survey of moving families indicated that assigning specific roles to kids during moving day not only kept them safe but also made them feel more positively about the move.

By implementing these strategies, parents can ensure that their children are not only safe and supervised but also positively engaged during moving day. This approach helps to minimize stress for both the children and the parents, contributing to a smoother moving experience for the whole family.

Settling into the New Home

After the move, helping children adapt to their new environment is crucial for their well-being and adjustment. This section focuses on ways to explore the new home and neighborhood, and how to establish new routines to help children adapt to their new surroundings.

Exploring the New Environment

Moving to a new home and neighborhood can be an adventure for children. Encouraging exploration can turn potential anxiety into excitement.

Making Exploration an Adventure:

  • Tour the New Home: Walk through the new home with your children, letting them discover and get familiar with each room.
  • Neighborhood Adventure: Go on walks or bike rides around the neighborhood, pointing out interesting places like parks, schools, or ice cream shops.
  • Meet the Neighbors: If possible, introduce yourselves to neighbors. Meeting other families with children can help your kids feel more at home.

Tips for Exploration:

  • Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt list for your new home or neighborhood.
  • Personalize Their Space: Encourage children to set up and decorate their new rooms, making them feel comfortable and in control.

Establishing New Routines

Routines provide a sense of normalcy and security. Establishing new routines in the new home is important for children to adjust and feel settled.

Establishing New Routines:

  • Gradual Introduction: Introduce new routines slowly. Start with familiar routines from your old home and gradually incorporate new ones.
  • Consistency: Keep bedtime and mealtime routines consistent. This familiarity helps children adjust to other new aspects of their life.
  • School Preparation: If children are attending a new school, visit the school beforehand and meet the teachers if possible.

Interesting Fact: Research shows that routines can significantly reduce anxiety in children, especially during periods of change like moving to a new home.

By actively encouraging exploration and gently establishing new routines, parents can help their children adapt more quickly and comfortably to their new environment. This approach not only aids in the children’s adjustment but also promotes a sense of belonging and stability for the entire family in their new home.

So, we’ve explored various strategies to ensure that your family’s move is as smooth and stress-free as possible. From communicating effectively with your children about the move to involving them in the packing process, we’ve covered key aspects to consider. We’ve discussed the importance of maintaining routines and providing comfort through familiar items, as well as engaging activities to keep children occupied and safe on moving day. Additionally, we’ve highlighted the significance of helping your children explore and adapt to their new environment and establish new routines.

Moving with kids, when approached correctly, can be more than just a logistical challenge; it can be a positive, bonding experience that brings the family closer together. It’s important to exercise patience and understanding as each member of the family adjusts to the change. Your empathy and support can make a significant difference in how your children perceive and adapt to the move.

We invite our readers to share their own experiences or tips for moving with children. Your insights could be invaluable to others facing similar challenges.

For those seeking a seamless moving experience, consider enlisting the help of professional moving services. At Affordable Moving, we understand the unique challenges that come with moving a family. Our team is here to provide assistance and support every step of the way, ensuring your move is efficient and worry-free. Contact us for further assistance or to book our services, and let us help make your family’s move a memorable and positive journey.